Firm News
WSM’s Katy Chase Pinpoints H-1B Hurdles for Staffing Firms
May 2, 2014
Laura Mazel Re-Elected to Oregon House of Delegates
April 28, 2014
WSM and AILA Attorneys Working Towards Immigration Reform
April 18, 2014
WSM’s Stephanie Smith Highlights Barriers to Entrepreneurs in Fwd.us Interview
April 8, 2014
National Day of Action in Washington D.C. April 10, 2014
April 2, 2014
Laura Mazel Presenting at HRWest 2014
March 21, 2014
Mary Jane Weaver Participating in World Affairs Council 2014 Business Forum
March 6, 2014
Stephanie Smith Speaking at AILA Winter Conference in Mammoth Mountain, CA
February 7, 2014
WSM Partners Once Again Recognized by Who’s Who
February 6, 2014
Partner Laura Mazel co-chairing Women in Bio’s speed networking event Jan 7 at Children’s Hospital
January 2, 2014